
Playful People Making Change

SUSSEX & London

How and Why.

So, you know what Soundcastle does, but it’s the how and why that make it so special.
You’re in the right place!

Community Programmes:

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There are many kinds of community music – from choirs, to drum circles, to family workshops. For Soundcastle, community music is all about generating new interactions within families, and between people. We co-create environments where people, no matter their story, can feel safe, heard and celebrated.

We make our own new music. But sometimes we sing nursery rhymes. We’re ok with that. Our approach is completely responsive to the needs of the people around us. Our programmes evolve with the people they support.

Do we have a syllabus? No. A book of activities? No. A session plan? No. So how does it work?

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Well! If you’ve ever been in a Soundcastle session, you have probably experienced a deep sense of joy and connection. A feeling of being deeply welcomed and heard. Maybe creatively inspired? Maybe noticed. Our brilliant team of facilitators are highly attuned to the needs of people, both in terms of emotional wellbeing and creativity. We shift power by co-producing programmes that are owned by the community they serve.

Read our Theory of Practice

If you’d like to dive deeper into the theory behind our musical adventures, then check out our Theory of Practice.

Click Here

Read our Improvisation & Mental Health Toolkit

A Soundcastle Toolkit for Cross-Arts Projects in Mental Health Settings

Click Here

Sector Support:

Soundcastle delivers validated Mental Health First Aid training courses, inspired by our practice in community spaces and run consultancy in community engagement, youth voice and wellbeing in the workplace.

We are:

  • Sector leaders promoting wellbeing and mental health awareness
  • Practitioners with lived experience of mental health challenges
  • Friendly and empathetic trainers
  • Advocates for positive change and breaking stigma
  • 5 star rated on Google
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Maybe you are looking for how to create a truly inclusive space for families? Or wondering how youth voice could change your delivery? Maybe you would like to energise your staff team for a new term? Or offer a space for them to process challenging interactions? We are here to help.

We believe that you hold the power and you know your people best. We are just good at asking questions and offering sessions that help to open your thinking. Everything we do is rooted in coaching and mentoring and we thrive when we see positive change happening for the organisations we support.

We're always happy to chat ideas

To find out more about how we can help your team, drop us an email.

Email Rachael
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