
Playful People Making Change

SUSSEX & London

Walking the Chalk with Musical Beacons Sussex

In this water-logged summer, we were fortunate to find a pocket of beautiful sunshine for a very special Musical Beacons excursion!

Walk the Chalk is a wonderful community initiative, celebrating the England Coastal Path from Seaford to Shoreham.

Their mission is to widen access to the countryside and encourage people to enjoy the wellbeing effects of nature.

They invited Soundcastle to bring along young parents and their children from East Sussex Young Parents’ Service for a unique Musical Beacons session which combined music and nature, reminding us that our countryside is for everyone to enjoy.

“…after I felt like… energised! It was really good… to be in the fresh air together.” ESYPS young parent.

Helen and Christina from Walk the Chalk gave us a beautiful guided walk, taking in dramatic views of the Seven Sisters (although the toddlers were more interested in the sheep!)

Afterwards, Fernando and Hayley hosted a Soundcastle music making session in South Hill Barn and the group created a song inspired by their experience featuring birds, butterflies, trees and sea.

Walk the Chalk will be hosting a 5 day festival from 20th-24th September 2023 at Seaford Head to celebrate local heritage, nature, folklore and creativity.

There are many inclusive events taking place which are free and draw inspiration from the iconic coastal landscape. Keep an eye out for our very own People’s Music Collective who will be performing on Friday 22nd September – we hope to see you there!

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